Monday, October 3, 2011

Finished Sequence 3!

Seq6 Layouts
Seq3: 10, and 21
Seq4: 1, 12, 3, 4
Revise Seq3_sc8

I'm having rendering issues in aftereffects right now, so I won't be able to post a new animatic. I DID post one last week though, so hopefully that is enough? This week, I finished the last two shots of Sequence 3 animation! I need to go back and make some revisions on a couple of the shots that don't make any sense, namely the one with the shadow and the one after it.

I talked to my composer today, and I think its official that he will be joining me on this project. His name is Harrison Lee, a student of SMPTV. He does really awesome synth work, and has his own electronica duo back in Canada. He's excited by the project as much as I am! Here is a link to his SMPTV page and his soundlcoud:

As for the backgrounds, I've been meeting with Dom once a week on Sundays so that he can work on it at my cubicle. This week he worked on lighting the scene. It's coming together rather nicely, but we both think the store looks rather neat. We tried pushing polygons around to make the lines of the shelves not so straight, and it actually looks a lot better, more organic. It still definitely needs work. I'm glad we started the bgs way ahead of time.

next week the plan is to finish Sequence 4. This includes everything from the part where Ray grabs Helen to the part where Ray turns into a monster. The last two scenes are definitely going to be tricky because I want to make the transformation really cool. We'll see how it goes.

Need to start thinking about sound design....

Sequence 4 Animation: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

1 comment:

  1. I've seen the backgrounds and they have improved a lot and I'm sure will continue to do so. Keep up the awesome animating Diana!
