Monday, September 12, 2011

Sequence 2 almost completed!

Roughs: Seq2_sc4, Seq2_sc11, Seq2_sc13, Seq2_sc16
Layouts: Sequence 2, Toy Shelf

This week I completed the rest of Sequence 2, including all of the layouts except for the exterior design in Seq2_sc00, which I will be doing next week. I talked to Bethany for the first time and we talked about sound design, which is probably one of the more daunting tasks I need to face. I will need to adjust my schedule to account for sound design/music because right now I don't really have anything.

While doing the layouts, I came across an issue with comping the 2D characters on the 3D bgs that were zooming in and out. I talked to Mike Fink and he said that I should put the 2D characters on a plate in 3D space so that the character will move with the bg. I'm meeting with Darren Kiner to help me work on that tonight.

Next week I'll be continuing Sequence 3 and making revisions on Sequence 2 animation. I'll also be drawing/designing the shot that shows the outside of the store.

Assets: Outside BG image
roughs: Seq2_sc00, Seq3_sc1, Seq3_sc3, Seq3_sc23, Seq3_sc21, Seq3_sc15
Layouts: Sequence 3
Revisions: Seq2_sc7, Seq2_sc17
BG: create textures for floors and walls

This might be too much, but I'm going to try!

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