Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Almost done with Background, more CU and Color

This week I got a hold of the background file that Dom has been working on! It's looking really great! I've been coming across some issues with Lighting and Rendering though. the lighting seems too dark, and for some reason rendering one frame takes more than 15 minutes. If I want to finish my film in time, this rendering problem needs to be figured out! I'm going to meet with some people in the coming week to see if we can resolve these issues.

CU/Color is coming along well as usual. I've gotten 2 of the hardest shots out of the way this week, which is a big relief. I'm relatively on schedule but I am constantly feeling behind for some reason. perhaps it is just nerves.

Here are some screen shots of my work flow:

Seq5_sc3: finished shot!

Seq5_sc7: drawing in Ray

Seq5_sc7: Adding in shadows for the swirly things. This shot took forever....

Seq5_sc8: Clean up from SWF roughs

Seq5_sc10: More cleanup from SWF roughs

Seq5_sc10: adding color

1 comment:

  1. Awesome animation stills. You put attitude into every drawing. And it's really, really fun to watch.

    ...Remember that when you're putting the shadows on the 5,000th noodle (aka swirly thing) of the day.
